
通常価格1,825(税込) ポイント18P





【 仕様 】
サイズ:148mm × 210mm A5サイズ

【 主な構成内容 】
- プロフィール欄
- 写真貼付スペース
- かかりつけ医
- 仲間情報
- 利用ホテル履歴
- くせ・習性メモ
- 性格パラメーター・関連エピソード
- 1日のごはんサイクル・おやつ
- よろこぶこと・好きな遊び・好きな場所メモ
- 持病・ハンディキャップ
- 通院記録メモ
- 予防接種メモ
- アクシデント・出来事記録
- 自由書込欄
- ねこに危険な食べ物一覧

If something were to happen to me, who would I entrust with my precious child?
How should I convey information about that child?

Especially owners who are taking care of their cats alone are very worried about their cute cats.
With this in mind, we created the "Neko-san Torisetsu Book".

This is an original health notebook filled with cat love, created through discussions between staff members who actually have cats in their families.
I'll try to write about that child well on a regular basis so that people can understand.
So that even if something happens, that child will be happy.

*We have also included pages that help you better understand your cat's personality, such as selecting parameters for each item and writing related episodes.
There are also plenty of pages for "Accident/Event Records" and "Free Writing Columns".

Comes with the option of an "cat card for emergency information transmission" that lets the owner know that there is a cat at home in the unlikely event that something happens to the owner.

Size: 148mm x 210mm
A5 size
Number of pages: 54 pages

【Main composition】
- Profile field
- Photo pasting space
- Primary care doctor
- Friends information
- History of hotels used
- Habits/Habits Memo
- Personality parameters/related episodes
- Daily meal cycle/snack
- Memo of things you enjoy, favorite games, favorite places
- Chronic illness/handicap
- Hospital visit record memo
- Vaccination notes
- Accident/event record
- Free write field
- List of foods that are dangerous for cats
©2022 産直ストア メッケモノミヤギ